In today’s digital landscape, the prominence and interaction of university websites significantly impact their ability to draw in potential students, retain current students, and keep alumni engaged. This in-depth talk delves into recent case studies of website redesign initiatives from SimpsonScarborough, highlighting the importance of a metrics-based management strategy for web presence. By showcasing a structured approach to defining, tracking and achieving website success, alongside key wins in implementation, outcomes from impression testing and actionable insights from analytics, this presentation demonstrates the crucial role of data analytics and user experience testing in enhancing website functionality and engagement. Dive into sophisticated techniques for dissecting user engagement, including scroll tracking, heatmaps and session recordings, to uncover deep behavioral insights. This discussion will illuminate how these advanced analytics can guide the evolution of website design and content strategies, ensuring a more effective and engaging digital footprint.
- Cassandra Golda — SimpsonScarborough
- Dan Moore — SimpsonScarborough
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