Beyond compliance: Empathetic hyper-accessible UX

HighEdWeb 2024 Accessibility Summit: July 30 online

Being minimally accessible is a given for today’s websites. But meeting all WCAG criteria simply ensures users are not blocked from accessing content. As UX designers, we aim for a much higher standard — to delight all users and ease their journey through an experience toward a goal. We don’t just want an avoidance of failure. We want raging success.In this session, we’ll walk through a case study for a website we created for a large nonprofit that serves people who are blind, deaf-blind, and low vision, helping them learn skills to thrive in life. We’ll cover the different approach we took to all steps in the UX process — user research, visual design, prototyping, user testing, and content writing. We’ll reveal surprises and insights, and show how these led to better choices that not only met all accessibility requirements, but exceeded them with an exceptional, hyper-accessible experience.


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