HighEdWeb becomes Digital Collegium on Nov. 1. Discover the new brand

Academic program pages: Phenomenal cosmic power, itty bitty living space

Having recently kicked off a complete site redesign of Odu.edu, learn how data-driven decision-making has informed the latest iteration of ODU’s marketing-focused academic program pages and how changes throughout the site have led to increased traffic and streamlined navigation. The latest design of our program pages goes live in a matter of weeks, and we […]

Event calendars in higher ed: The ultimate selection guide

When it comes to reducing IT management frustration and increasing student engagement, selecting the right calendar to centralize and consistently brand events can be a game changer. However, navigating the multifaceted world of online event calendars can be a daunting task. Whether you’re with a large university or an intimate college, this presentation is tailored […]

Hacking browser validation: Take control of form error handling without third-party libraries

HTML5 brought many enhancements to web forms, including semantic field types (like date, time, number, email and URL) and a collection of attributes to add constraints to fields, such as required, min and max. Using these features enables automatic validation in modern browsers that even works without JavaScript. But this built-in validation is limited: we […]