With an influx of stealth applicants and an uncertain enrollment cycle ahead, it’s almost impossible to know which students to focus time and effort on and which content will move the needle. Presenter Zach Chastain — StudentBridge Shortcode AAI5 Tags
Tag: HEWeb23
“Train gone sorry” is a sign language idiom used by Deaf people that is akin to “missing the boat.” There is an abundance of Deaf and DeafBlind people and communities on social media — and this includes content creators, influencers, social media managers, organizations and schools. However, these groups are often misrepresented, marginalized or downright […]
Why accessibility matters to me I will discuss my experience with my daughter being born with a heart condition, life-flighted to a hospital five hours away and me trying to figure out how to get to her as quickly as possible. I was emotional, stressed and tired. With all that going on, I had to […]