Challenging the status quo can be hard, especially in higher ed, and particularly in information technology where most employees are expected to “just do it.” Using a mixture of psychology, politics and a willingness to outlast the rest of your colleagues, learn how Utah State University’s IT web team makes real progress in areas including the consolidation […]
Tag: annual conference resources
If HTML is the standard markup language for documents designed to be displayed in the web browser, what are we doing with all these PDFs in our learning management systems?During this train-the-trainer style session we will explore what HTML is, who it benefits and how instructors can use HTML via the content editor in their LMS […]
Higher education has faced ever-tightening budgets over the last two decades, while demands on marketing and communications increase at an even greater rate. Combine MarComm’s need for agility and speed to central IT’s desire for long term stability, and you end up with a recipe for frustration, in-fighting and ultimately missed opportunities. How can institutions balance these competing […]