Wayfinding is something that each institution has and continually develops. But how often do we consider accessibility in our decisions? Not very often. During this session we will explore the foundations of accessibility for wayfinding and how we can improve it at our universities. We will explore what rules we should follow, what parts of […]
Tag: annual conference resources
Neurodesign is an emerging field of design practice that accounts for how our brains are wired to create designs that promote simplicity, emote joy and drive action. Since humans are visually dominant, how we perceive and attend visual stimuli should be of particular interest to user experience (UX) designers. This is why nuerodesign is important. To […]
Have you ever written some HTML and CSS, opened your web browser, saw that your HTML “worked for you,” published your changes and moved on? This is an approach that most developers have taken at one point, before realizing that presentation-focused HTML only serves visual consumers and increases the likelihood of inaccessible content. HTML is […]