Institutional Membership

Attendees at 2024 North Carolina Regional Conference

Connect the person. Advance the school. Create better higher education.

Digital Collegium offers professional development and community-building opportunities for everyone involved with digital efforts at your college or university. 

An institutional membership is the most cost-effective way to share the benefits of Digital Collegium with employees and students across your entire organization. 

Your membership

Already a member or think your institution might be?

No-cost membership for HBCUs

Our organization – and the higher education community – is at its best when a broad range of ideas are shared and valued. Accredited HBCUs are invited to become institutional members at no cost through 2030. 

Beyond the web and marketing teams: Who else can benefit from Digital Collegium?

Attendees networking at the annual conference

Institutional memberships benefit everyone at your school (including students). Regardless of where they work — marketing, IT, admissions, advancement or academics — all are welcome into the #DigiCol community.

Need help finding support on your campus? We got you.

The value of an institutional membership

When you invest in a Digital Collegium institutional membership, all of your employees and students* may become members at no additional cost. 

Membership pricing 

An individual annual premium membership to Digital Collegium is $195, so the value of becoming an institutional member is clear. 

Student enrollmentAnnual costEquivalence of individual memberships
Up to 1,999$315< 2 individual memberships 
2,000-4,999$525< 3 individual memberships 
5,000-9,999$735< 4 individual memberships 
10,000-24,999$1,050< 6 individual memberships 
25,000+$2,100< 11 individual memberships 

Digital Collegium uses institutional accreditation to differentiate institutions. One institutional membership benefits all campuses of a centrally accredited institution.

A system office may join Digital Collegium for $1,050. This membership covers the departments and employees in the system administration.

Membership dues are not tax-deductible.

* Employees must be active and not retired. Institutional membership does extend to independent contractors or servicing businesses; they may join independently as affiliate members. Students must be currently enrolled at the member institution.

Other ways to join 

Digital Collegium offers varying levels of student, professional and affiliate memberships. Explore individual membership options.