Individual Membership

Attendees smiling at regional conference presentation

Professional membership

Current or retired employees* of colleges and universities may join as professional members. They support or have interest in the digital efforts of their school.

This is a non-voting membership.


Annual membership fee: $0


Annual membership fee: $195

* Employees may be part-time, full-time or retired. Freelancers, independent contractors and business employees may join as affiliate members.

Affiliate membership

Annual membership fee: $195

Individuals that work closely with the higher education sector but do not work directly for an institution of higher education qualify as affiliate members.

This is a non-voting membership. Members at this level may serve on committees. Members at this level are not eligible to serve on the Board of Directors.

Affiliate members have access to basic benefits (job board, community groups, Digital Collegium Slack workspace, propose sessions, etc.) plus the complete professional development library (including the conference session recordings).

Affiliate members include:

  • Professionals working for businesses that serve the higher education market.
  • Freelancers or independent contractors that performs work for colleges or universities.
  • Those who aspire to work in the higher education sector.

Student membership

Annual membership fee: $25

Individuals that are currently enrolled at a college or university qualify as student members.

This is a non-voting membership. Members at this level are not eligible to serve on the Board of Directors or committees.

Student members have access to basic benefits (job board, community groups, Digital Collegium Slack workspace, propose sessions, etc.) plus the complete professional development library (including the conference session recordings).

Honorary membership

Annual membership fee: $0

The board of directors may unanimously elect honorary members that:

  • Render notable service to higher education
  • Make notable contributions to the education of higher education web professionals
  • Make notable contributions to advance the purpose and mission of the association

Honorary members shall be exempt from paying dues to the association. Honorary Members that also qualify as Members may serve on the Board of Directors. This is a non-voting membership.

Honorary members receive access to basic benefits (job board, community groups, Digital Collegium Slack workspace, etc.) plus the complete professional development library (including the conference session recordings).

Membership aid

Digital Collegium recognizes that you may face difficult and changing circumstances throughout your career. If you find yourself facing a difficult financial situation, you may qualify for a discounted paid membership. Review aid requirements.