Free Membership for HBCUs

Lightning talk presenter at annual conference

HighEdWeb invites accredited HBCUs to become institutional members — for free.

The Higher Education Web Professionals Association (HighEdWeb) offers professional development and networking for everyone involved with digital efforts at your college or university.

With a HighEdWeb institutional membership, all of your faculty, staff and students can become members at no additional cost. 

Who on your campus can benefit?

An attendee shares in a group discussion

Beyond your marketing and web teams, anyone working on digital campaigns, websites, social media, program launches or marketing strategy will gain insights from HighEdWeb resources.

Institutional membership supports your entire campus with professional development they might not find elsewhere. 

Full benefits at no cost through 2030

HighEdWeb believes in creating a more diverse pipeline of digital professionals in higher education. Our organization — and the higher education community — is at its best when a broad range of ideas are shared and valued.

We can’t wait for your marketing, communications and web teams to explore our tools and resources and become active participants in the HighEdWeb community. No strings attached.

Your membership

Already a member or think your institution might be?