Event calendars in higher ed: The ultimate selection guide

HighEdWeb 2023 Annual Conference: Oct. 8-11 in Buffalo, NY

When it comes to reducing IT management frustration and increasing student engagement, selecting the right calendar to centralize and consistently brand events can be a game changer.

However, navigating the multifaceted world of online event calendars can be a daunting task. Whether you’re with a large university or an intimate college, this presentation is tailored to help you find the perfect fit for your unique needs.

Our presentation will break down the specific challenges universities may face and the different features out there to solve for them. We’ll cover everything from basic features like admin controls to advanced features like ticketing systems and provide some use cases for each.

Join us to elevate your campus’s event management and get ready to rock your campus events calendar.


Shiro Hatori — Concept3D

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