Watering the lawn: Tips for building a grass-roots Digital Accessibility Coalition

HighEdWeb 2023 Annual Conference: Oct. 8-11 in Buffalo, NY
Red Stapler Winner

best in Track

When digital accessibility is a priority, but budgets are in a crunch, it’s time to get creative.

With the recent establishment of a campus Information Communications Technology Accessibility Policy, the University of Central Oklahoma elevated the importance of digital accessibility. The leadership team at the Center for eLearning and Connected Environments saw this as an opportunity to create a digital accessibility consultant position and a three step micro-credential that supports an empowered and inclusive focus on academic excellence.

This presentation will present an overview of UCO’s process that resulted in:

These ideas will increase your awareness for digital accessibility concepts as well as provide leadership strategies, inspiration, practical applications and resources needed to start your own grassroots digital accessibility community.


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