Don’t You (Forget About Me): Person-first Web Accessibility Assessments

HighEdWeb 2022 Accessibility Summit: Online Conference on July 28


Sarah Joy Arnold — Deque Systems, Inc.


By taking the concept behind person-first language, accessibility auditors can shift their thinking when working with site owners and content creators. Our job is to find and explain how barriers impact people with disabilities. We also need to apply the same empathy-building practices we teach to site owners and content creators themselves. Everyone wants to do the right thing, but they may not know how to do it. We need to approach site owners and content creators as people with their own experiences and needs. Auditors create teachable moments that go beyond one website review when using a person-first process.This presentation will focus on the site owner behind the content of a website. Moving beyond the testing methods and end users to empathize with the person creating the website.  It will include what to consider when working with a site owner or content creator. Along with examples used in the practice of a person-first assessment process.

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