
A place for those who work in higher ed digital.

Attendees learning at annual conference session

Digital Collegium (formerly HighEdWeb) is a community dedicated to advancing digital innovation in higher education.

As a member, you have access to:

  • Members-only content, including the professional development library.
  • Notifications about conferences, development opportunities and more.
  • Slack workspace.
  • Submissions to our job board.
  • Provide input regarding the association’s future.

Do you work for a college or university? You can join the collegium for free!

Your digital community at work.

Members gain access to valuable benefits. Empower your work through professional development, career-building opportunities and a collaborative network. Together, we’ll push higher education to new heights.

Two members smiling at you


Collaboration makes for better higher education.

Conference organizers meeting with convention staff


Connect the person. Advance the school. Create better higher education.

Digital Collegium T-shirts

Apparel and accessories

Latest from Link Journal

Attendee is session at a regional conference